8 days a week is a hilarious book written by debutante Niraj Satnalika. This book serves us story of normal sales officer in very hilarious way.
Book Title and Cover- Book Title is apt and interesting. Cover hints us about the numbers and job. Both title and cover are complementing each other. Blurb is short and interesting. Overall First Impression of our book demands attention of readers.
Language and Narration- Language is lucid with decent narration. Narration of the book surely engages readers with the book. I loved the humour content and Hindi verses.
Storyline and Plot- This book is all about Sales officer. It tells us his ups and downs, his hard work to meet targets, his frustration in very hilarious way without losing interest of readers. Author has done commendable job with this satirical and humorous book.
Book Title and cover- 3.5/5
Language and Narration- 4/5
Storyline and Plot- 4/5Final Rating- 4/5
All in all this book serves unique storyline and plot with guaranteed laughs. I would recommend this book to sales officers and readers who read humour/comedy content.
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Anuj Kumar
- 8 Days a Week- book review