Wild Card is a heartwarming story of a dejected father, Karan Mehrotra, once a rising tennis star and his Light-At-The-End-Of-The-Tunnel daughter, Roshni. After losing his wife, Riya in an accident, Karan walks away from the fame and glamour to care for the only thing Riya left behind: Their daughter. When after years of probing, Karan finally tells Roshni about his glamourous past, she ignites a fire in him to restart his life again and achieve his dreams, just like Riya did.
From hereon begins a lovable story of relationships, friendship, trust and determination and weaves a beautiful net of emotions as you progress.
Since this is Asfiya Rehman's debut novel, there are a few grammatical glitches here and there but the story more than makes up for it. The restraint in her writing shows great caliber and I'm excited to see more of her writing in the future.
Overall, a warm and fuzzy story apt for a winter read. I was torn between 4 and 4.5 stars but I finally settled for 4 because I'm a grammar nazi..Shelly Bajwa
- Wild Card