Baked Reviews

  • Fast paced psycho-thriller with balanced emotions, twists and turns and well turned out characters- all this makes ‘Scarlet Nights’ a complete potboiler. This book is a movie material. The story is gripping and has the potential to keep the readers engrossed. This is one such story that promises to take you through a rollercoaster ride all along. There are ingredients of joy, sorrow, hope, helplessness, love and faith. This plot is a complete recipe of a good story. The cover of the book is not catchy. It could have been more intense, for a story like this, demands more. The print quality is fine. The font is, however, really small (abiding by the standard size would have been better). The blurb is catchy enough. The previews definitely add to the impact factor of the book.

    Coming to the plot, the plot is strong. It cannot be classified as new but yes, it has the capacity to bind the interest of the readers. In some chapters, I found the description a bit longer than required. The characterization of Malvika and her fighting spirit is wonderful. The author has taken care of blending different emotions together, is a commendable way. Somewhere I felt that inclusion of the scenes portraying physical intimacy was unnecessary. With such a difficult plot, the addition of spicy details could have been excluded as it is not everyone’s cup of tea.

    Overall, this is a good read. Good effort done by the author!

    There are some punctuation errors and at several places an unnecessary comma has been used. Other minor grammar mistakes are also there. The font size might come out as a major drawback.

    - Scarlet Nights