Book : Disclaimer:Love
Language : En
About the book
Daivat was in the quest of love and when he gotcare and affection from Khrisha, he didn’t give thoughts to ramifications he could face. Things turned out to be very fruitful for Daivat and was experiencing a merry time. Nevertheless, one day Khrisha broke all ties with Daivat without giving him reason for. Somehow, fighting odds, Daivat started a job at far distant place but still could not boycott the pine for Khrisha. And one day morning, a news hit Daivat that almost embroiled him into depression. Surrendering his life on the hands of almighty, Daivat was living a non-effervescent life with a motto of eat-sleep-work-repeat. But then happens a twist in tale which brings back the vivacity and a purpose in his life. Was entering into conditional relation a mistake of Daivat? Why Khrisha broke up with Daivat? What news related to Khrisha was there that left Daivat heartbroken?
Author : Naishal Chaddarwala